We’ve issued millions of policies to visitors, families, business travelers, solo travelers, international students, green card holders and expats. We only work with top rated insurance providers who offer international travel medical coverage and make it easy to compare and buy online. We offer Visitors Insurance, New Immigrant Insurance, J1 Visa Insurance, Student Insurance, Schengen Visa Insurance and more.

Millions of Satisfied Customers

Our unbiased comparison engine has helped customers from 175+ countries find the best travel medical coverage at the lowest price, so they can travel worry-free and with peace of mind.

Top Rated Customer Service (powered by is committed to providing best-in-class customer service and 98% of customers give us 5 star reviews. We only work with top rated insurance providers.

Safe and Secure Purchase

Our platform is built for ease of use, while ensuring that purchases are processed with the highest grade encryption. Find a plan in under 5 minutes and receive instant confirmation of coverage.

Price Guarantee

Our unbiased comparison engine allows you to find the best travel medical coverage at the lowest price, so you can travel worry-free with peace of mind. You won’t find the same plan for less.

If you would like to purchase travel medical insurance, use our easy online system for quoting and buying online.